Home (v1.2.29)

Extinction Rebellion UK

The Hub

Welcome to the XR UK communications Hub, your private, secure and green digital service. If you need a login see the FAQ below.


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Take part in chat & messaging, get short updates

UK Cloud

Create and store secure documents

UK Forums

Start or engage in long term, in depth discussions

How we work & organise

Our Ways of Working and the Constitution


Explore the XR UK Structure (public view)

Rebellion Academy

Gain skills and knowledge for organising and practising rebellion

Rebel Toolkit

Resource Library - find guidance on how parts of XR UK work


Volunteer for a role in XR, or find someone to fill a role


Design posters and graphics


More Tools (from XR Global)


Encrypted document collaboration

Media Library

Media & Messaging resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Why I am being asked to login again?

For security, most of these services will ask you to login. These logins time out, so if you haven't used that particular service for a while, it will ask you to login again.

Each service has a separate login, but many of them have a Login with the Hub button. If you have a Hub login, then clicking that button will log you in to the service automatically - a bit like websites that let you login with Google or Facebook (but without telling the authorities all about it!).

How do I get an login (account)?

If you don't already have a Hub login, ask your XR Group Admin, Secretary or Integrator to email you a personal invite to the XR UK Hub. When you accept that invite the Hub will set you up on the most important services, and you will be able to use the Login with the Hub button to access many others.

If your XR Group doesn't have someone who can invite you, please email tech@rebellion.earth for help.

How do I contact my local group?

If you don't know how to contact your local XR Group, try the XR UK map.

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